1 | 除英语外,她还会说五种外语。 | She speaks five foreign languages in addition to English. | |
2 | 除主要问题之外,还有些次要问题讨论。 | In addition to the main question, there are secondary matters to talk about. | |
3 | 此外,阿罗约还要求有关部门向美国司法部、国际刑警组织和其它国际机构寻求援助。 | In addition , arroyo also requested the appropriate agencies to seek assistance from the US Department of Justice, Interpol and other international agencies | |
4 | 此外,敌人由于月色不佳,当然也放松了警惕。 | In addition the vigilance of the enemy was undoubtedly relaxed owing to the unfavourable phase of the moon | |
5 | 此外,公费医疗和其他形式的医疗保障制度还覆盖了一亿多的城镇人口,中国政府正在将这些人口逐步纳入到基本医疗保险制度中。 | In addition , free medical service and other forms of medicare security systems cover over 100 million urbanites. The Chinese government is now working to incorporate these people gradually in the basic medical insurance system | |
6 | 此外,很多与中央情报局有关的人士抱怨说,布什政府对该情报机构施压,要他们提供带有倾向性的信息来支持对伊动武 | In addition , numerous figures connected with the CIA have complained that the Bush administration pressured the intelligence agencies to provide data skewed to support its case against Iraq | |
7 | 此外,划分南北两韩的非军事区DMZ内,清除地雷的工作亦在同时进行之中。 | In addition , the work to clear landmines in the Demilitarized Zone (DMZ), which separates South and North Korea, is also in progress | |
8 | 此外,还介绍了一些新方法,例如测量大气中的氡及其衰变产物。 | In addition , reference is made to the novel techniques of the determination of radon and its daughter products in the atmosphere | |
9 | 此外,还介绍了一些新方法,例如测量放射成因地热。 | In addition , reference is made to the novel techniques of measuring radiogenic heat | |
10 | 此外,禁止饮酒、赌博、吃猪肉;男性穆斯林行割礼 | In addition , alcohol, gambling and the eating of pork are forbidden and male Moslems are circumcised | |
11 | 此外,颗粒容易沉积,并熔结和粘贴在平底表面上。 | In addition , solids are apt to settle and sinter and stick on the flat bottom surface | |
12 | 此外,任职3年以上的员工,都享有遣散费,也就可以少领一点。 | In addition , an applicant who was paid retrenchment benefit should be entitled to withdraw a smaller sum | |
13 | 此外,十一中全会还“选举”了蒋介石作国民党政府的主席,加强独裁机构。 | In addition , the Eleventh Plenary Session of the Kuomintang CEC "elected" Chiang Kai-shek president of the Kuomintang government in order to strengthen its dictatorial machine | |
14 | 此外,它为贮存遗传变性提供新的可能。 | In addition it offers new facilities for storing genetic variability | |
15 | 此外,为遏制非法贩卖武器、毒品、非法移民和其它犯罪活动,将制定相应的多边合作文件。 | In addition , to curb illegal arms smuggling, drug trafficking, illegal migration and other criminal activities, member states will work out relevant documents for multinational cooperation | |
16 | 此外,许多新的木材玷孔虫和腐朽菌也随进口木材引入了这些国家。 | In addition new borers and fungi have been introduced on imported materials | |
17 | 此外,在审查针对发展中国家成员的起诉时,专家组应给予该发展中国家成员充分的时间以准备和提交论据。 | In addition , in examining a complaint against a developing country Member, the panel shall accord sufficient time for the developing country Member to prepare and present its argumentation | |
18 | 此外,在我们的军队工作中,还存在有一种军阀主义作风,这也是一种国民党的作风,因为国民党军队是脱离群众的。 | In addition , a kind of warlord style is to be found in our army work, a style also characteristic of the Kuomintang whose army is divorced from the masses | |
19 | 此外,中国将以关税配额取代对食糖、棉花和3种化肥(磷酸氢二铵、三元复合肥和尿素)实行的进口数量限制。 | In addition , China would replace quantitative import restrictions on sugar, cotton and three types of fertilizers (DAP, NPK and urea)by TRQs | |
20 | 此外,中国政府还与墨西哥、印度、巴基斯坦、哥伦比亚、塔吉克斯坦等国政府签署了双边禁毒合作协议。 | In addition , the Chinese government has signed bilateral agreements on cooperation in drug control with the governments of Mexico, India, Pakistan, colombia and Tajikistan | |
21 | 此外还有一些氨基酸、固醇、磷脂以及少数普遍存在的生化物质,也都能影响取食行为。 | In addition , several amino acids, sterols, phospholipids, and a few other biochemicals of general occurrence have been shown to influence feeding behavior | |
22 | 大豆除需要石灰和主要的植物营养元素之外,还需要少量的铁、锰,锌。 | In addition to lime and major plant nutrients, soybeans require small amounts of fe, Mn and Zn | |
23 | 电话技术中的一种智能专用交换机,可以提供额外的功能,例如除了对打进打出的电话作路由选择外,还可以提供传真、数据库询问等。 | In telephone, an intelligent private switchboard which may provide extra facilities, e.g. facsimile, database interrogation, in addition to routing incoming and outgoing telephone calls | |
24 | 对于这次快速汇总结果,朱之鑫认为除人口过快增长的势头得到有效控制外,中国人口变化还有其他5个方面的特点。 | In addition to the effective control of the excessive population growth, Zhu said the advance tabulation of the census results shows five other characteristics in China’s population change | |
25 | 而且,包括金球奖在内的多项电影颁奖活动抢在奥斯卡颁奖典礼前举行,一定程度上冲淡了奥斯卡奖的吸引力。 | In addition , a slew of other movie awards, including Golden Globe Awards, rush their shows ahead of the Academy Awards, sapping the Academy Awards of some drama | |
26 | 而且,这些抚养孩子的家庭除了自己的孩子外也可以抚养其他人家的孩子。 | Furthermore,these child-raising families may raise other people’s children in addition to their own. | |
27 | 而且细菌能够在完全干躁的条件下存活。 | In addition , bacteria can survive in a completely desiccated state | |
28 | 菲律宾民防官员表示,昨天北部庞加辛省有五人灭顶,造成罹难人数增至五十人,另外还有四十一人受伤,五人失踪。 | The philippine civil defense official said that yesterday five people died in the northern province of Pangasinan, bringing up the death toll to 50. In addition , 41 people were injured and five are missing | |
29 | 付款契据(承诺每年付予某人、某社团一定金额的契约,受款人可据此兼获付款人为此款所付之税额) | He receiver to reclaim in addition the tax paid on the amount by the giver | |
30 | 她有两辆轿车外加一艘汽艇。 | She has two cars and in addition a motorboat. |